A selection of news articles from the SEE group, the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and ETH Zurich.
Tropseds's DRC trip

Follow our fieldtrip!
Don't miss Prof. Hemingways inaugural lecture!
Prof. Dr. Jordon Hemingway | Evolution of the global sulfur and oxygen cycles throughout Earth history | 21 March 2022 17.15-18.30 | ETH, Zürich Zentrum, HG F 30
TropSEDs: New SNF Sinergia Grant!

Prof. Johan Six and Prof. Jordon Hemingway started a new project with the aim of unraveling the roles of climate and land-use on the erosional transfer of carbon from source to sink through time in the Kasaï Basin.
ETH news
14 new professors appointed
At its meeting of 9 and 10 December 2020 and upon application of Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich, the ETH Board appointed 14 professors. They will work in a total of ten departments in a wide range of research areas. In addition, an ecotoxicologist was awarded the title of professor.
Twelve ERC Starting Grants for ETH Zurich

ETH has once again been highly successful in the awarding of this year’s ERC Starting Grants for young researchers, with the European Research Council (ERC) approving a total of CHF 21.4 million in funding for 12 ETH project submissions.